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Archive for July, 2017


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The reserves re-opened on 6/7/17after 1,186 Kangaroos were violently killed in the ACT reserves and 1,406 in Googong Foreshores, a total of 2,592 violently and unnecessarily slaughtered based on more lies for development destroying our bush capital.
In 2017 Daniel Iglesias has once again sent out a false media release defaming Kangaroos over the unnecessary and violent killing of Kangaroos that is criminal.
The violent killing is not for conservation purposes and is not to protect the grasslands and woodlands, and other species such as the earless dragon, legless lizard, etc and ground feeding bird species that is destroying the bush capital.
Isaacs Ridge unnecessary violent killing was for bike trails etc and not for conservation reasons either:
‘Earless Dragon scarcity previously coincided with kangaroo scarcity in ACT.
Don Fletcher, in “Population Dynamics of Eastern Grey Kangaroos in Temperate Grasslands,” describes how, in the 1940s and 1950s kangaroos actually became rare in the ACT due to competition by European grazing stock. Even when these stock were removed, they remained rare for some time. Salt blocks were put out in the 1960s to attract kangaroos to the Tidbinbilla Fauna Reserve, where in 1963 employees went for three months without seeing one.) [12]
Oddly, at the same time as kangaroos were banished from the ACT, the Earless Dragon also became scarce. It couldn’t have been because of too many kangaroos.
“The Grassland Earless Dragon was very common in the ACT up to the 1930s but there are now very few left. This is mainly because there are so few areas of its native grassland habitat remaining. There are now only two main populations known in the ACT; and there is one near Cooma in NSW.” Source: The ACT Conservation Council’https://awpc.org.au/act-roo-killings-who-profits-behind-the-earless-dragon-mask/comment-page-1/
Don Fletcher’s same PhD documents also state that they were regularly killing Kangaroos  in one fenced off area that caused the Kangaroos to become smaller that shows that the mass killing and infertility program are genetically altering the Kangaroos weakening the species and driving them to extinction.
The mass killing and infertility program is interfering with, and genetically altering the Kangaroos natural development, weakening the species and driving them to extinction. 
‘The kangaroo massacre destroys the process of natural selection. The repeated targeting of the ‘alpha’ males, the largest and fittest animals (who provide the industry with the big skins they want),’ [and that the Government also target in their violent unnecessary killing based on fiction] ‘means younger, smaller animals are left to breed, weakening the gene pool. “This has the potential to cause the extinction of a number of species”. (Dr Ian Gunn, Animal Gene Storage Resource Centre of Australia.) Australia has the worst wildlife record in the world – six species of kangaroos extinct, four more extinct on the Australian mainland, 17 species endangered or vulnerable.’
Giant Kangaroo that used to live known as a Procoptodon that was a genus of giant short-faced kangaroo living in Australia during the Pleistocene epoch. P. goliah, the largest known kangaroo that ever existed, stood approximately 2 m (6.6 ft).[2] They weighed about 232 kg (511 lb).[3] Other members of the genus are smaller, however, and Procoptodon gilli is the smallest of all of the sthenurine kangaroos, standing ~1m tall.

Procoptodon goliah: Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Class: Mammalia; Infraclass: Marsupiala; Order: Diprotodontia; Family: Macropodidae; Subfamily: Sthenurinae; Genus: †Procoptodon – Owen, 1873. Procoptodon goliah was mainly known for living in semiarid areas of South Australia and New South Wales. These environments were harsh, characterized by vast areas of treeless, wind-blown sand dunes. However, around Lake Menindee, in western New South Wales, had a cooler, wetter climate at the time Procoptodon existed.

The surrounding area was a mosaic of sclerophyll forest, woodland, savannah and plains, but sand dunes would have also formed along the edges of the Menindee.
This is criminal:
Kangaroos and the grazing of the Kangaroos is extremely important as the Kangaroos only skim off the highest, tough growth of plants, exposing tender shoots, stimulating vegetation regrowth, saving the grasslands, habitat and the endangered native flora and fauna species that live there.
The soft footed Kangaroos cause no environmental damage and maintain a healthy well balanced eco system.
1. Kangaroos do not overpopulate. Their populations grow until they are in equilibrium with their environment and then stabilise (1, 2.) – an Eastern Grey Kangaroo doe only raises its first joey to the pouch-emergent stage by 3.5 years of age, and finishes breeding at around 12 years of age, she is only likely to produce 8 young in her lifetime.
75% of joeys are likely to die, this leaves only 2 young to survive to adulthood. If the male female sex ratio is parity, only one surviving joey will be a doe, and on average the original female will only effectively replace herself once in her lifetime – parity means that if a doe first conceives at 3 years of age, and has its first young to independence by 4.5 years of age (this assumes success in rearing, and ignores the very high reported juvenile mortality rates), 50% of the time it takes a minimum of 4.5 years for a doe to replace itself with a female offspring. If the doe has a male joey, it will be another 12 months before there is another 50/50 chance she will replace herself with another female. Pouch young sex ratios from Hacker et al (2004), being roughly parity (which was also concluded by Coulson, Kirkpatrick, Poole and Pople / Grigg, however Dawson (1995) identifies that both Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos seem to experience higher mortality in the males, with only 5% surviving to full maturity (c. 60kg) in the wild.
2. When food is scarce kangaroos stop breeding and move on to greener pastures (3).

3. As admitted in the KMP itself (p12), kangaroos are a keystone species. This means that, at natural densities (which vary with climatic and seasonal variations), they are critical to maintaining all the other native plants and animals which share their habitat. Killing kangaroos is not protecting threatened species. It is further endangering them.

 4. No base-line studies have ever been conducted in the ACT to determine how many kangaroos are needed to maintain healthy populations of other native species.
The kangaroo slaughter is conducted at a time of year when, according to the KMP itself (p10-11), almost every mature female kangaroo has both a pouch young and a young at foot in her care. It is conducted under a code of practice which exists for the purpose of permitting acts of cruelty that would otherwise be prohibited by law (5).
Arnold, GW, Grassia A, Steven DE & Weeldenburg JR 1991 Population ecology of western grey kangaroos in a remnant of wandoo woodland at Bakers Hill in southern Western Australia, in Wildlife Research 18 (5): 561-575
Coulson G, Alviano P, Ramp D, Way S 1999 The kangaroos of Yan Yean; history of a problem population in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 111(1): 121-130.
Burnie, David, Don E. Wilson, 2001, in Animal, pp. 99–101.
Peter B. Banks, Alan E. Newsome and Chris R. Dickman, 2000, Predation by red foxes limits recruitment in populations of eastern grey kangaroos, in Austral Ecology, 25(3) p283
ACT Animal Welfare Act, 1992, Section 20)
The violent Code of Practice that allows Kangaroos to have their skulls crushed, and more violence when they are shot, stabbed, bashed and then buried alive as they slowly die from excruciating pain and suffering from all of their injuries and asphyxiation: 
The Googong violent killing would have replicated the 2004 killing at Googong Dam for the Commercial Industry that took place because the residents complained and wanted them killed.  This killing was not for conservation reasons either.
It is strongly recommended that 1080 poison be banned that causes a violent death and is a danger to the community when children can pick up the baits and eat them.  1080 poison is also eaten by non target endangered animals, pets, etc: 
LADY NORA PRESTON – began rehabilitating wildlife in the early 1980’s
Founding President – since 2004
Honorary Member – since 2004
Animal Welfare Inspector – since 2004
WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP – founded in 2004
PO Box 3509
Mobile:  0406 056 099
WILDLIFE CARERS GROUP is a VOLUNTARY INDEPENDENT NON PROFIT COMMUNITY BASED GROUP with no Government funding – Independent – adj. 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. 2. Free from the control of another or others; self-reliant.
Aims and Objectives: To promote the general welfare and continued survival of native fauna and flora as an essential element of the environment, and specifically to undertake the specialised care necessary for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured native birds and other animals, to promote public awareness of the need to conserve existing wildlife species, and an understanding of their particular habitat and feeding requirements.